Our Team


Born a first-generation Ecuadorian-American has fostered a strong admiration for the country and islands that his family calls home. Traveling often to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands to see family and friends, he began to realize how helpful he could be when organizing similar trips for other groups. 

As a result, Jeffrey now works to help grow that very same idea in to Blue Galapagos. Jeffrey is dedicated to helping you create an unforgettable travel experience that will leave you wanting to come back as soon as possible!


Born and raised in Manhattan, New York, Matt was exposed to a variety of different experiences and perspectives since a young age. In addition to traveling with his family growing up, he has spent longer periods of time in Europe, and Asia. He has a love and appreciation for the world around him and wants to experience as much of it as he can. Matt work's full time as a digital product manager and when he isn't daydreaming about his next trip you might find him playing guitar, reading, or spending time with friends and family.



Fernando calls the Galapagos Islands home, he loves sharing his knowledge of the islands with visitors it so much that he studied to become a Galapagos tour operator and naturalist guide. Fernando’s appreciation for the tranquility of islands while growing up in the Galapagos has shown him that it is the best place to live and grow with his family. Everything about the Galapagos brings you closer to nature, and he’s can’t wait to share that experience with you! With more than 10 years working as a guide and operator, he will be your boots on the ground ensuring that all planned activities are carried out safely and filled with fun.